If your an indie filmmaker, this post might be a good reason to be excited about 2015.  As foretold (Cue star wars prologue credits), Steven Spielberg and his best buddy George Lucas mentioned earlier in the year "The age of the blockbuster is ending". We are also sitting on the biggest year of sequels and tentpole films to be announced in recent history. Ted 2, Avengers 2, Star Wars, Despicable Me Minions  and many others due out in the year 2015. Can you say popcorn crunching? Well the industry doesn't agree, but if Spiels and Lucas are on the money, then 2015 could be a very depressing year for the studios and a very exciting if not successful  year for the independent film industry. What is the trend? What will audiences go see? The underdog, hopefully, will be the films with lower budgets, better stories and exciting ideas. Personally this news is very exciting and inspiring. Can I dream up a feature just in time for Hollywood to raise the white flag? Can I position myself in a way that I can thrive with this so called changing landscape? More importantly, how will you prepare for this upcoming "Movie Armageddon"? As we approach the next two to three years of film glory, are we approaching a new era of films? Tell me what you think, if you'd like, I think I'll start up the ol' sc

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    Markus Cook

    CEO and Founder of CCA Studios. Hopes to join the ASC ranks someday. We can all dream can't we?


    May 2013

